"This is a noble initiative and TAG Heuer is proud to be part of this effort. To see so many powerful men and women extending their support to various causes for the good of society is indeed heart warming. Tonight, I truly believe that, together, we can make a difference to thousands of lives."

- Jean-Christophe Babin, 
  President & CEO, TAG Heuer

"My relationship with TAG Heuer is very special and when they asked me to be a part of this wonderful initiative, I was more than happy. It is refreshing to see the captains of industry walking the ramp as opposed to models and stars. These are very busy people, and they have taken time out to give what they can to the less fortunate. It is heartening to see that those at the top are willing to share the wealth, to try to achieve some kind of collective prosperity."

- Shah Rukh Khan 

Coverage of the Style for Smiles Show

1) Outlook Business: Oodles of Toofles

2) ET Now: Charity begins from the ramp


3) Verve Online: CEO's walk the talk

4) The Economic Times: CEO's by Day, Models for a Cause

Read more about Give India and Toofles Foundation